Using a traffic light system to interrupt a speaker you don’t understand.
Brrritain prepares for Brrrexit
People are stuck in traffic outside British ports“Are we there yet?”
“It’s Canada plus plus plus”
Before you go on[1], I’m a bit confused about[2] the spelling of Brrritain and Brrrexit
Why is it spelt with two R’s[3]?
- When it’s cold, we say ‘Brrr’
Before you go on[1] Jason, I didn’t get the word ‘stuck’[2] in traffic.
What does ‘stuck’ mean[3]?
- Stuck means you are unable to leave
I’m sorry to interrupt you again[1], but why does he say[2] “We're going nowhere
It’s obvious they’re going nowhere because they are stuck in traffic[3].
I’m sorry to interrupt you again[1] but I’m a bit confused about[2] why it will take two years to get out of the traffic jam
Why two years? Surely it’s two hours??[3]
- No, they’re talking about the transition period!
Before you go on[1], I don’t get the word[2], “treacherous” - what does it mean?
treacherous adj (person: disloyal) sleale, infido agg
treacherous adj figurative (conditions: dangerous) pericoloso agg
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