Put Out the Welcome Mat


F. welcomes a visitor today and wants to ‘put the welcome mat out’


~ F: I hope that your journey - flight - trip was OK.
V: It wasn’t bad, thank you.
F: Before starting the meeting …would you like some refreshments? A coffee or tea perhaps? V: That would be nice. F: Would you like to freshen up? [use the bathroom, take off your coat] V: [nods] F: Let me show you where the bathroom is..If you would follow me .. [Please follow me .. Allow me ..] [They walk down the corridor and meet the boss] ~ F: Let me introduce you to Emilio; Emilio, this is Jason, from the UK. Jason, this is Emilio, the director of ... Or: [knocks on door] ~ F: Come in ! Come in! I won't be a moment … I’m just in the middle of something. Help yourself to some refreshments … you can freshen up in the bathroom; it’s just down the corridor

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